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Gambling Anonymous Sacramento

Spenders Anonymous is a community of women and men sharing our experience, strength and hope as we work toward clarity in our relationship with money.

Some of us spend compulsively or take on debt that we do not know how to repay. Some of us lack the confidence in our ability to earn money, while others have money, but lack the ability to manage it sanely.


What we have in common is our need to work toward serenity in our relationship with money. Our experience is that we cannot do this alone. We invite you to join us as we work the 12 Steps and the Tools of recovery.

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Through working the program of Spenders Anonymous, we have discovered a greater peace with our spending and money issues. These are the 15 tools we have found to be helpful:

Gamers Anonymous also runs a program known as OLG-Anon, which provides support to game addicts, their friends, and their family members. Online Gamers Anonymous 12-Steps Twelve-step programs have long been used as an effective way to provide support group and help on the long and difficult road to recovery, and Online Gamers Anonymous’s. Legal California sports betting presents an opportunity unlike any other in the United States for sportsbook operators. As the most populous state in the Union and home to a $3 trillion economy that would rank number 5 in the world if it was its own country, California may very well be the Holy Grail for legal online betting in the US.

• Abstinence • Meetings • Reading and Writing
• Anonymity • Phone Calls and Emails • Service
• Exercise • Play • Slogans
• Humor • Prayer and Meditation • Sponsorship

One of our definitions of abstinence around money issues is Peaceful Spending.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop spending time, money, energy and our very selves beyond all reason. Our purpose in working the Spenders program is to stop spending compulsively, to take responsibility for our money, and to carry our message of recovery to the compulsive spender who still suffers.


We often use spending to change our unwanted feelings and obsessive thinking. Characteristics of compulsive spending include having emotional pain around spending and money issues; spending money we don’t want to spend or spending money we don’t have; or holding onto money too tightly and not being able to let go of it. The problem is our relationship with money — how we deal with it, which can be over- or under-spending.

The Minnesota Intergroup of Spenders Anonymous, January, 2014.

Gamblers Anonymous Sacramento

Gamblers Anonymous Sacramento Meetings