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Kjeld Slot Blog

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2020 Ex Aequo Winner in Gardens category:
Ellipse Garden by Kjeld Slot Havearkitekt, Denmark


The jury recognized the tension and the atmospheric density that was achieved by well-known tools of garden design. The use of historic structures successfully establishes different ambiences and opens views that change the perception of the space, orientation and the scale of this relatively small plot. The garden was designed to catch changing seasons and light and synthesize them into a dramatic display of change. Ellipse garden is also a gardener’s laboratory, and reflects the joy in cultivating, playing and experimenting with plants and their characteristics.

Sidste punkt på programmet var Ellipsehaverne hos Kjeld Slot. Endnu en spændende have, der adskiller sig markant fra de to øvrige og nok alligevel ligger et sted midt imellem. Det er en meget arkitekttonisk og egentlig enkel have – i hver fald i sin grundform med en lang akse, der brydes af ellipser i forskellige størrelse og med forskellig indhold. Indholdet varierer, så der både er spændende staudesammensætninger, køkkenhaver og arkitektoniske virkemidler.

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