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Gambling Slang For High Roller

High rollers, who have budgets ranging from $100k to $1m, and especially the biggest casino whales, whose budgets can run into the tens of millions, are the real customers that casinos do just about everything to bring in the door. With that kind of money being thrown around, there are certainly some amazing high roller gambling stories; here. Perks Of Being A High Roller. The perks of being a high rolling gambler are largely similar to those that you may imagine are synonymous with any extraordinarily wealth or influential person. #CasinoHighRollers #GamblingAddiction In this video, I am going to detail for you what it's like being a high roller at the casino, what VIP status is like.

Casino Risk Rewards

When it comes to rewards for your overall play in a casino, the odds are highly in your favour. Casinos reward players on the total amount they bet during a gambling session.

Getting a comp from a casino is based on the opportunity you are giving the establishment to win money from you and not how much you lose. Casinos reward those who take high risks. With the hard restrictions being enforced from UKGC, many casinos not on Gamstop offer more favourable treats for high rollers.

High Roller Definition


The term ‘high roller’ may evoke many different kinds of mental images, especially for those who are unfamiliar with it. In the casino environment, the term ‘high roller’ refers to an individual who enables the establishment an opportunity to win a large amount of money in a short time. These people place bets that range from $10,000 to $1,000,000 each time.

High rollers are often referred to as ‘whales,’ because of their significant and immediate ability to impact the casino’s profit in a brief period of time. High rollers vary by culture, country and casino.

While this definition changes by location, they all share general characteristics that allow for casinos, gamblers, and tourists to easily recognise them. High rollers come from a variety of backgrounds.

High Roller Impact

Billionaire arms dealer and high roller, Adnan Khasoggi’s winning streak at one time, was the cause of a considerable 19 percent drop in quarterly profits of Hilton International.

This should convey the magnitude of the influence a whale can potentially have on the bottom line of a casino. Their definition may be location-based, however, there are potentially thousands of whales located across the world.

The money made from mid or low-level gamblers usually keeps the casino lights on. When a high roller visits the premises he affords the casino an opportunity to make or lose exorbitant amounts of money.

High rollers receive rewards from casinos that are grander than those available to average players since the amount of their bets averages hundreds of thousands more than others.

Traits of a High Roller

Billionaires or millionaires are typically whales. They can access instant casino credit that may be up to $25 million. Regardless of whether they win or lose, whales are known as extremely generous tippers.

They don’t travel alone but are surrounded by close confidantes, family and bodyguards who are often present when they play. They don’t want to be in the spotlight during their casino visit.

Casino treatment of high rollers reflects that they are VIP guests. Whales receive special and exclusively reserved perks for those who place high dollar bets since the casino has a chance to win big money from them.

They tend to have a very serious attitude when gambling and placing bets as high as $1million. They are not in the habit of making costly and careless mistakes.

Gambling slang for high roller skates

Benefits of a High Roller

To determine the perks a high roller is entitled to, the casino will use a ‘theoretical’ formula. This takes into consideration the individual’s skill level, the time they spend playing, average number of hands participated in each hour and the wager of each hand. While a lot of factors are considered for the high rollers amenities, it is made simpler for others.

A designated host takes care of the high rollers. They ensure the whale’s needs are satisfied at all times. Hosts make all their arrangements and provide benefits for high rollers that may be unconventional and conventional.

These are determined by the personal preferences of the whale and several other contributing factors. Hosts establish lasting relationships and ensure high rollers get the most out of their stay.

VIP Treatment

High rollers get the red carpet treatment whenever they visit casinos. They earn rewards while they play and dedicated hosts are always there to exceed their expectations.

They make sure whales will not forget the luxury and treatment they receive at their premises. Hosts do everything to ensure the best casino experience possible, in the hope the whale will return again soon to play another round.

Playing games and gambling in casinos has been a pastime of people for many centuries. In its impressive and varied history casinos have grown and expanded with the number and types of different games available growing year upon year. As the casino business has developed so has its language with many interesting terms and jargon being used to describe games, betting types and actions commonly found in the industry. In modern times the industry has enjoyed continued growth, and now you don’t even have to enter a casino to play the games with a wealth of them available to play online, either by yourself, or interacting with other players from across the globe.

If you are an avid casino game player you may be familiar with some of the terms that are used, whether specific to a particular type of game such as poker or blackjack, or more general terms used in the gambling world. However those who are new to the thrill of the casino may not be so familiar, and it is easy to get confused when these terms are used, so it’s good to familiarise yourself with them to make sure you stay on top of your game! Below we have listed some of the most common slang terms used in the casino which you can study, memorise, or print out and keep with you to use as a handy reference guide when playing. You can also visit for more casino explanation on terms and slang! Once you have studied up on your casino slang terms why not take the Lingo of the casino quiz with Ladbrokes?!

Action – this is a casino term used to describe the placing of bets by player(s) in a game. It is most commonly used in card games and is easily remembered as the betting is the ‘action’ that the players have to make to be in the game. Alternatively a dealer in a poker card game can use the term to refer to which player is now in a position to bet.

Ante: This is a very useful phrase to know when it comes to gambling! The Ante is a bet that a player must make before other players can bet, so there is always money in the pot. It is used to force action by other players and keeps the game moving. Without the anti no one would be forced to bet so hands could be played where no money is won or lost which is not the point of the game!

Bankroll: It’s a good idea before you enter a casino or start playing online to have a bankroll. This refers to the entire sum of cash that you are willing to gamble with. A top tip is to never go over this to ensure you are always gambling within your means! If you don’t do this you might be referred to as a Pigeon, Plunker or Steamer – a person who continues to chase his or her losses.

Betting Limits -a fairly self explanatory term used to describe the specific limit that a player can bet with. Slotting machines often have betting limits i.e. 10/20 cents or $1 a go, and the ‘max bet’ is the multiple of this that you can bet up to, for example there may be a betting limit of $1 and the max bet is 5 x this, so $5.

A Blind bet -another easy term to remember that you will often hear in poker games where a player bets without knowing what card will come up next.

The Cage -this is where the casino keeps all its money!

ColourUp – this refers to chips you get at a casino to use in a variety of games. If you colour up, you are asking the dealer to exchange smaller value chips for larger ones. Often people do this at the end of their games to make it easier to exchange their chips for cash!

Eye-in-the-sky – these are the surveillance cameras that keep an eye on everything going on in the casino. Although casinos have many staff members and security guards who watch over players ensuring that they spot anyone who may be cheating, or behaving inappropriately, surveillance cameras are used as an extra measure to keep everything safe and secure.

Fish – if you are new to gambling you may well be referred to as a ‘fish’. It is a cheeky (but affectionate) way of describing someone who is new to the gambling world.

Hit me – used in blackjack to indicate to the dealer that the player wants another card

Junket – if you hear this term being used then keep your eyes peeled! A junket refers to a group of big, experienced, high rolling players who have been flown in especially on a charted plane at the casinos expense.

Gambling slang for high roller skates

Overlay – if you hear this word you are in for a treat! Overlay means that the gambling situation is in favour of the gambler i.e you are more than likely to receive more money than you bet, if you win.

Shill – this is an interesting one. Essentially a shill is a filler player. They are paid by the house to sit in on games to make up numbers. They are commonly used in poker games. This is also called a ‘prop’ or ‘proposition player’.

Toke -A tip for the dealer. This is customary in larger casinos, and is expected if you have done pretty well while gambling at that particular table. Often dealers make the majority of their wages this way, so it is important to remember that if you leave with a good return on your investment. You might also hear someone being referred to as a George which means they tip well, or a Stiff for someone who does not!

Whales – a fantastic term used to describe players that are so rich they can happily lose millions in the casino seemingly without a care in the world. You rarely see a Whale around a regular casino playing table, and, as with actual Whales they are a very rare breed with only around 250 in the world!

Turkey – another term that you certainly don’t want to be called in the casino, or anywhere for that matter! A Turkey refers to someone who acts unpleasantly towards the dealer, usually because they are losing or think they know the rules better!

Gambling Slang For High Roller Lifters

86’d (eighty-sixed) – Let’s hope you don’t hear this term being used too often! To be 86’d means getting thrown out of the casino for underhand or undesirable behaviour!

Gambling Slang For High Roller Skates

Of course these are just some of the most commonly used slang terms you may hear while in a casino, or playing online. While there are many others, hopefully by understanding these you will have a better idea of how to play the most popular games and what to look out for to make your gambling experience an even more enjoyable and successful one.